Chelsea Clinton interviews Stella McCartney

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I consider this interview to be a relatively unstructured, the questions don´t vary too much but one lets to another one without being abrupt, seems to be a conversetion in between old friends nevertheless it follows a structure and has an overall topic of the ethics that both of them had inherited from their parents. At some points of the interview Chelsea gets to answer some quiestions that Stella formulates for her, and it seems to be more like a conversation, the questions formulated by Chelsea relate to the answer Stella gave her in the last question. The end of the interview has a twist as Chelsea Clinton answers to one of Stella´s questions. Ironically they are daughters of famous people and they have vested interest in between them for enviroment thay have grown as mutual interest, nevertheless It could be an informational interview instead of a stakeholder interview.

The interview might be treating directly the myth of the designer as the ethics that Stella has learned during her childhood from her parents (already famous) are being reflected in her work and making her be even more popular in her field as she has a X position in the fashion system, being controversial and having a signature that people can recognise.